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3 Reflective Statements on Life Review Interview of an Older Adult

keywords: older developed confidentiality selection process/criteria biography significant events relationships piece of work , favorite singer live k miles , elderly female nursing home residents , arrangement dedicated offering hope , apply gerontologic nursing principles , nineteenth street baptist church , home summary statements organization/quality , red elegant 1966 cadillac eldorado , remembering erikson developmental stage description , prestigious ballou high school ,

Calendar week 4 – Assignment: Life Review Assay

Submit past 2359 Saturday of Calendar week 4.

Proper name:




Overview: Life Review Analysis

For this assignment, you lot will reverberate on your interview with the older adult, introduce the individual to the reader, and reply to guiding questions to prepare an analysis newspaper.


Your paper should include the following sections:

  • Introduction of Older Adult – This is the overall context of your interview but should not include the entire interview itself.
  • Analysis of the Life Review Interview – This includes description of the goals and benefits of life review,  your differentiation between a Life Review and ordinary remembering and your analysis of the degree of ego integrity reached past the older adult.
  • Student'southward Reflections – This describes your personal experience during the process, whatever impact information technology will have on your clinical practice, and a project of your own legacy.
  • References – This is a list of resources you used during your interview and analysis recorded in APA format. Use at least 3 in-text citations of your sources.

Use APA format throughout paper and references as appropriate. The paper should exist no longer than 6 pages (not counting Pages i-3 of this certificate and your page of references). If y'all accept questions, please discuss them with your Bookish Coach.

You must also browse, upload, and submit your Interview Consent Form in the appropriate assignment portal. This grade counts toward up to 15 points of your Life Review Assay score.

Details about each section are given afterwards in this certificate.

Performance Objectives:

  • Apply gerontologic nursing principles and standards in

    nursing practice beyond the continuum of elderberry intendance.
  • Use current evidence and theories in care of older adults.
  • Conduct a personal interview with an older developed for the purpose of documenting Life Review.


Apply this rubric to guide your piece of work on the assignment, "Life Review Analysis."




Needs Improvement

Interview Consent Class

(Total 15 points)

Submitted on fourth dimension (5 points)

Complete, with signatures  or participant is under age 70 or a relative of the educatee and student does not take written consent of Autobus or Faculty for exception(ten points)

Submitted late or non at all  (0-three points)

Missing information or signature(due south) (0 points)

Introduction of Older Adult


Selection process/criteria


      Significant events


      Piece of work and home

      Summary statements


(Full 10 points)

Older adult identified with initials merely (2 points)

Fundamental information present

(7 points)

Well-organized/brief (maximum 1 folio)

(1 point)

Sketchy, missing some information

(5 points)

Older adult's  name used

(0 points)

Missing critical information

(2 points)

Lacks continuity or is too wordy/long

(0 points)

Analysis of Life Review
Goal and benefits of Life Review

Similarity to remembering

Difference from remembering

Erikson Developmental Stage

 Description of client

      Ego integrity rating (1-10)

      Rationale for


Citations regarding Erikson'due south theory

(Total 45 points)

4+ benefits

(x points)

Comparing with 2+ examples (10 points)

Dissimilarity with 2+ examples (6 points)

Theory with ii specific examples (ten points)

Rating nowadays and plausible (3 points)

Rationale articulate from instance (three points)

1+ reference in text (three points)

two-3 benefits

(seven points)

Comparison with 1 example  (5 points)

Contrast with i example (three points)

Theory with 1 specific example (8 points)

0-one benefits

(0-ii points)

Comparison  without examples (3 points)

No comparing (0 points)

Contrast without examples or no contrast (0 points)

Loose connection between theory and customer (3 points);

Missing description of theory or no connection (0 points)

Rating missing or implausible (0 points)

Rationale unclear or  instance missing (0 points)

No references in text (0 points)


Value and reason

Near significant point of interview

Difficult/anguishing part

Touch on on clinical practise

Personal legacy

(Total 14 points)

Statement(s) with 1+ reason(s) (iii points)

Example(southward) with ane+ reason(south) (iii points)

Instance(due south) with 1+ reason(s) or statement of none (three points)

Example(s) with 1+ reason(due south) (three points)

Definition, personal legacy (2 points)

Argument(s) with no reasons (1 point)

Instance(s) with no reasons (one point)

Example(s) with no reason (one betoken)

Example(south) with no reason (i point)

Definition OR personal legacy (1 point)

No statement of personal value (0 points)

No statement of significant point (0 points)

No statement of regarding difficulty(0 points)

No statement of regarding touch on (0


No statement regarding legacy (0 points)

APA Forrmats
Listing of references (end)

References in body text

(Total 10 points)

APA format, 3+ references (5 points)

APA format, 3 in-text references (5 points)

APA format, ane-ii references (3 points)

APA format, 1-two in-)

Incorrect APA format or no list of references (0 points)

Wrong APA format; no body text references (0 points)


(Full 5 points)

No errors

(v points)

1-2 errors

(3 points)

More than two errors

(0 points)


(Total 1 betoken)

Within maximum of half dozen pages (1 indicate)

Over 6 pages (0 points)

Total Points 100

-5% IF Family unit Fellow member IS INTERVIEWED WITHOUT PRIOR Motorcoach APPROVAL

A. Interview Consent Form

Upload and submit your Interview Consent Form (with elder's signature) in the appropriate Week 4 consignment portal. This is due 2359 Saturday of Week four along with your Life Review Analysis.

B. Introduction of Older Adult

Do not submit the unabridged interview.

    • Depict how and why you selected this older adult (apply but older adult's initials).
    • Include a cursory biography of your elder. For case:

C.R. is an 84-twelvemonth-quondam white male person living with his wife of 60 years in Arlington, Texas. He was born in Madison, Wisconsin, the oldest of four children. During his childhood, he

lived on a farm, graduated high schoolhouse and moved to Chicago, IL. He graduated with a bachelor's caste in electrical engineering from the University of Chicago…..etc., etc.

The cursory biography should be at maximum one folio in length Exercise not rewrite your interview, simply summarize it. Since the instructor was not present at your interview, this department of the newspaper provides the context of your interview.

I work at a dialysis facility that treat patients with end stage renal illness through hemo-dialysis. I have worked at this facility for six years. Well-nigh of the patients that come up to our facility are friendly. Information technology seems as if we are family as I see these patients three days per calendar week. Chiliad.J. is one of the about respected patient in our facility as patients and the staff knew him as an exceptional retired police officeholder for the metropolitan District of Columbia police force. I chose him because of the respect he has gained among both staff and patients alike.

The Life of One thousand.J, an African American male, started 81 years ago when a babe male child was born to the tardily Rev. John Jackson and Mrs Betty Jackson in Washington, DC. Every bit the seventh kid of eleven children, M.J. was surrounded past potent and supportive family unit structure. His male parent was a strict disciplinary and every bit M.J recalled, he and his siblings had to attend church services every Wednesdays from 5pm to 9pm and on Sundays from 7am to 11pm. He told me he dreaded those days but looking back he thanked his father for his strict upbringing. At the age of 11, Thou.J. was enrolled at the prestigious Ballou High Schoolhouse in South E, Washington DC where he played basketball and football standing 6 anxiety and three inches alpine. At xvi, he had a

scholarship to play basketball only opted to join the navy instead. Later Navy and beingness overseas, he returned to Washington, DC where he had no job. As a result, he attended a form and obtained a license to become a tractor trailer commuter. However, this get-go driving career was curt-lived, as he met his great love, Betty Anderson. In June 1962, they were married at the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church in Washington DC. They had two daughters. M.J. explained that it was a tough time in his life as his family unit was surrounded by crime and violence in the customs. This forced him to join the DC constabulary forcefulness. M.J was a driving force behind "Performance Keep the Peace" in the DC area as he helped foster after school programs for youth in South East DC. When asked almost his thoughts on dying, he replied by stating "I am non scared to die, I have lived a skillful life and I am blessed to take lived this long." One of his disappointments with aging was his inability to have an erection. He stated that it bothered him for some fourth dimension but that he is getting used to information technology at present. Today, M.J still resides in Washington, DC, lovingly surrounded by his children, grandchildren, groovy grandchildren, his extended family and a larger community that continues to love, respect and cherish him.

C.  Analysis of the Life Review Interview

  • Compare and contrast the elements of a Life Review with those of ordinary remembering. Requite two supporting examples from your interview. How are they similar, and how are they dissimilar?
  • Depict iv goals and benefits of life review. Give references and citations to support them.
  • Based on your interview, describe the caste on a scale of 0 to 10 of Erikson'southward ego integrity reached by the elder. Requite a rationale for your assessment that includes at to the lowest degree one example from the interview.
    • Include the reference(s) for your supporting citations (APA style).
    • Organize your analysis so that it is complete and concise. Your full paper (start with Folio 4 of this document) should be half-dozen pages maximum in length, not counting your folio of references.

Life review is a personal process past which a person evaluates his or her life as it nears its end. Life review is a necessary and salubrious process and should be recognized in daily life as well as used in the mental health care of older people (Butler, 1963). Life review is near putting one's past into a present perspective. One of the goals of life review, is the resolution of past conflicts and problems. Conflicts might involve unresolved problems with family and friends, loneliness, financial constraints, and loss of independence. Another goal of life review includes the atonement for by acts or inaction (Butler, 1963). Past acts include living a sedentary lifestyle and inaction might include lack of practise and unhealthy eating habits. Reconciliation with family members and friends is another meaning goal of a life review. People ofttimes reunite with family and friends later on years of separation or estrangement, and return to their birthplace for a concluding visit (Butler, 1963). Finally, by guiding

a person through questions most by experiences, we can aid people come up to terms with their feelings. Near people at the end of life desire to know "how did I practise?" and this is a way to help them accept fifty-fifty their mistakes and feel good virtually their life. 1 benefit of life review can be the righting of old wrongs. This could be lifestyle modifications and disharmonize resolution with past wrong doings. Another benefit of life review is making up with estranged family members or friends. This might include having a family reunion celebration. Thirdly, accepting one's bloodshed is some other benefit of life review. The older adult might be satisfied with acceptance expiry. Lastly, a sense of pride in accomplishments is another benefit of a life review. The older adult might feel good and have a feeling of having done the all-time for him or herself (Butler, 1963).

Remembering is what really happened in a person's life. Information technology can be an upshot, or a person.  Similarly, life review is what really happened in a person's life but in life review, the person relives it. A pregnant issue that my customer M.J remembers is when he travelled with his married woman to South Africa to see Miriam Makeba, one of South Africa'southward most historic vocalist during the sixties. He told me it fabricated him happy thinking well-nigh that time and information technology made him express joy as he had fun during that time. Another result he remembered is when he was almost killed during a law telephone call. He stated at that place was a call for a domestic disturbance at a house. At that time, he and his partner responded to the call and they had to go on foot. He remembered him and his partner running to the apartment building when they heard gunshots

beyond the streets. He told me that there were limited resources to telephone call for fill-in and that they had to become to a telephone berth to make a call for backup. He concluded that since they couldn't get to a phone, they had to hide in somebody's home until call tin can be placed for a backup police force unit.

 M.J. too vividly remembers the outset time he fell in love with his wife. He told me that he attended a friend's birthday party and there he saw a cute lady sitting alone by herself. He then approached her and began conversing with her. He stated that after six months, they were married. These are events that Yard.J. tin vividly remember. This is an example of reminiscing. Similarly, he told me that his wife was dressed in a red outfit at the political party and that he can imagine her grin that day when they were conversing. This is an example of life review as M.J tin vividly save his experience with his wife. Another case of life review and remembering, is when Thousand.J told me the day he bought a car. He told me that he had existence saving money for to purchase a automobile. He explained that subsequently returning to u.s.a. from his Navy duties, he was tired of taking the bus for transportation.  This is an instance of remembering. He so continued that the coin he has saved up was enough for him to buy a car. He told me he went to a used car dealership and saw a used Red elegant 1966 Cadillac Eldorado which he liked. He recalled negotiating the toll of the motorcar with the dealer. He told me the dealer wanted $3,100 for the car only he negotiated for $ii,100. He told me he

paid $500 as downwardly payment for the car. This is an case of life review a he relieved the by of ownership a auto with specific details.

In Erikson'southward last stage of psychosocial development, Ego Integrity vs Despair, the person is faced with a crisis or disharmonize of answering the question whether they lived a meaningful life or not. The psychological virtue developed in the adulthood phase is wisdom. M.J is 81 years erstwhile and has retired from his police and truck driver position which has spanned for about four decades. M.J has played a major part in the DC force

   as a mentor to DC blackness youths. He is a driving force in formation of " Keeping the

  peace" in Washington DC. An organization defended offering hope to underpriviledge DC

  youths. Grand.J received civic awards in DC constabulary for his contributions in encouraging and

  supporting young black boys to gain an education. When M.J. reflects at his life, he sees

  accomplishment in his career. Yard.J feels a sense of fulfillment, contentment and has

  developed a sense of wisdom (Melt, 1998). Another example of psychological virtue that

 G.J achieved was meeting his favorite vocaliser Miriam Makeba. Every bit he reminisced, he  sang few words from his favorite song from his favorite vocalizer Miriam Makeba . The song entitled "Pata Pata". I can retrieve him reciting " Pata, pata, mama due east ya ma" as he nods his head side to side. Occasionally when he comes to my unit for his dialysis handling, He volition wearable his African attire he bought in Due south Africa as a reminder that he went to Africa to see his favorite singer. He occasionally brandishes his attire to patients and staff members. He told

me "I feel proud wearing an African Attire". M.J feels a sense of achievement every bit he was fortunate to run into his favorite singer alive g miles abroad from his hometown. Brandishing his African attire as he became the envy of some people. On a Ego integrity rating scale, I rate Yard.J. a 10. As M.J faces the stop of life, he develops a sense of wisdom (Cook, 1998).

D. Student's Reflections

    • This interview experience was/was non an enlightening experience. Why?
    • Describe the most meaning point of the interview to you, and explain why.
    • Describe a hard/anguishing part of the interview, if any, and explicate why.
    • In what fashion might you change your general approach to elders in your clinical do later on this feel, if any?
    • Define "legacy" in your own terms. Hash out what you would similar your legacy to be; what would y'all like to go out for others?

This interview experience was enlightening to me. I realize that I stereotype the elderly equally frial, lone and unhappy. One thousand.J. has Hepatis B and has exist isolated in my dialysis unit of measurement from the balance of the other dialysis patient. This made me idea he had lived a sedentary lifestyle. I stereotyped him as being a drug abuser. But this interview has completely changed my thoughts and view on him. I now meet him as candid and responsible adult who is very satisfied with the life he lived. The near meaning point of the interview is when Grand.J. told me about beingness a police function. He explained that at that fourth dimension they had to walk to a booth to make backup call and they had to literally walk to dispatched calls. He told me that the police force today had information technology proficient as they have cars, and walkie talkies. He told

me that sometimes he does not respond to calls as he fears that no back up volition come.There wasn't a difficult/ anguishing part of the interview. I enjoyed every aspect of the interview.

This interview volition touch my clinical exercise every bit I will refrain from stereotyping the elderly as fragile, lone and unhappy.. In the case of G.J. I had labelled him a drug/alcholo abuser as he had hepatitis B. Hadnt I interviewed him. I would have withal see him every bit somebody that wasted his life. A personal legacy statement allows an private to tell others, typically next generation family members, what he/she hopes or hoped to accomplish in life. I would like people to remember me every bit a hard-working man that has the farthest respect for the elderly. Somebody that cares for the young, old and frail. I would love to leave my family with the virtue of beloved that nosotros should beloved one some other.

E. References

List your references for this consignment using APA format.

Cook, E. (1998). Furnishings of Reminiscence on Life Satisfaction of Elderly Female Nursing Home Residents. Health Intendance for Women International, 19(2), 109-118.

Butler, R.North. (1963). The life review: An interpretation of reminiscence in the anile. Psychiatry, 26, 65-70.

Butler, R.N. (1963). Recall and retrospection. Journal of the American Elderliness Society, 11, 523-529. Abstracted in Biological Abstract.

Erikson, E. (1974). Identity, Youth and Crisis. London: Faber & Faber.

This essay was submitted by a student. Information technology was not written by any of our writers. Withal nosotros retain all copyright to the paper. If you would like to purchase this paper of asking for removal, contact as at [electronic mail protected]
